Comments for David Rose

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cherie lamont said...

How long does it take to fully implement UDL in a school district? How long did it take for you to raise funds to support UDL implementation? Were administrators supportive of this process? How much inservice time was provided for teachers to become comfortable with UDL implementation? I love the term digital immigrants. That is how I feel about technology. Did you find that teachers adjusted to UDL implementation easily?

Barb said...

I loved learning and reading in your article Plato Revisited.I too, like Plato have been worried that the digital world would replace basic literacy. I was really quite surprised to learn that listening uses the same braln activities that reading does. I had never looked at planning and organizing as essential features of listening. Now I feel that I have more strategies to use with my students that may help them learn to be better organizers and better digital learners. I love the terms digiital natives and digital immigrants.
Thank you for so many thought provoking ideas.

Mrs. Swoboda said...

I was really struck by the idea of being a 'digital immigrant' vs. being a 'digital native'! Many times I feel as though I am visiting a foreign land and I just don't understand the way kids think about and relate to technology. In the course of reading your text I have come to realize the power of technology and how it can remove barriers for children. My attitude towards techonology is changing- in a positive direction.

Perri said...

I am finding the concept of a UDL framework very intriging. I can definitely see the benefit of differentiated instruction and the effectiveness of utilizing a UDL framework in the classroom. As an educator at a post-secondary technical institute (in an accounting program), where students are with me for about three hours per week,for sixteen weeks, I am looking for some more thoughts or ideas on how to apply this framework to my classes. Do you have any suggestions for some additional resources that may be useful for my needs in a post-secondary environment?

Barbara said...

I have very much appreciated getting to know some of your work through this course, Communicating with a New Generation. You have some very catchy ways of expressing & summarizing what's new! Some of what's outstanding to me include: "We have eyelids, but not ear flaps." and the distinction between digital immigrants & digital natives: "Digital natives listen to learn; digital immigrants read to learn." and the idea that there is a tremendous gap between the learning technologies students use & the way in which academic content is delivered. From the text, chapter 6, I was very interested in the comments about ADHD in relation to success & affect. I have a 28 year old son who has always been very active. He loved (& still does!) complex video games. I believe that's what's made him the successful business man he is today. He has a job & is part owner in a very successful building company. His role means: he is managing two factories that build truss, floor & wall systems for condominiums in a resort area of British Columbia. He needs to use people skills, as he has about 20 employees, (some of whom are foreign workers & need visual, rather than verbal, instruction). He needs to use computer skills, as he takes blueprints, inputs them into the computers, which then generate material lists, hourly work plans, cutting directions, & layout tables using a system of lights. He also needs to use his carpentry background as the various components (walls, floors, trusses) are then assembled on site. This reminds me of your Harvard graduate who did all his studying with technology blaring in the background.

Jan said...

A very great resource the book - "Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age" - the examples of the variety of students that have found success when the classroom teacher applies this knowledge helps to illuminate the concepts but I would like to hear how one would use this set up the classroom to integrate an individual with complex physical, medical and non-verbal issues.

Anonymous said...

I have very much enjoyed reading Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age - in fact, I have read and re-read, highlighted and copied, pasted many sections of it, and sent attachments to my work email address as I anticipate how this approach will directly benefit my work with students this upcoming school year.

I have worked with students in a second language program called French Immersion and, currently, am providing learning assistance to students who are not meeting the standards in this program. Learing about UDL principles has been exciting to say the least because, for me, it articulates in such depth what is lacking in our approach to typical and atypical learners. After almost 20 years as a teacher in a wide variety of contexts, I feel I can discern what will work in practise and what looks or sounds good but may not be a solution for the multitude of issues teachers and students face daily. UDL makes me feel like a first year teacher - I just want to dive right in and can't wait to share my enthusiasm!
